Support for the new school admissions proposal
Schools Week News Piece
Quotes from the piece
“the move could give such pupils access to highly sought after schools they may not otherwise have had. It would also help weaken the link between geography and admissions that can often be a barrier to social mobility.”
University of Bristol professor Simon Burgess said having FSM so high up the (priority) list would give the changes “bite” and make them “effective”.
“Rachelle Otulakowski, the head of Longhill High, which has the highest rate, said she was not concerned about the potential drop in funding.
“With a free school meals child comes money, but that money is to be spent on that child, so if I didn’t have that child, I wouldn’t need that money.”
“Most of my families whose choices may be broadened are likely to choose my school anyway.”
She was more concerned that if the proposal did not go through “some of the most vulnerable families in Brighton will be left yet again with no choice at all”.”
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